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How The New Health Bill Could Affect People

Finally after a year of constant debate, the Government has finally approved a bill eventually to extend the health insurance coverage to more than 30 million of people in America. Some of the immediate changes that include are to prohibit insurance companies from refusing to insure children with preexisting conditions, to offer Medicare beneficiaries and more help for paying for drug coverage.

Coverage Expansion:
  • Millions of people currently uninsured will now get a coverage help in the year 2014. This is a year when state Medicaid programs are expanding in order to cover people living between 133 and 400% of the federal property level. Even the subsides will chip-in in order to provide an affordable plan on the health insurance marketplaces. The businesses and individuals can shop for health insurance on these exchanges.
  • According to the bill, Americans are required to have health insurance by the year 2014 or they can get a penalty. However, some people are exempted from the health insurance requirement as of religious beliefs or financial hardship or if they are Indians American.
  • From this year a dependent child can remain on their parent's health insurance plans until they are 26 years.
Scraping Per-Existing Conditions:

After six months of the bill's passage, any insurance company will not be able to refuse children health insurance because of any per existing condition. By the year of 2014, the same rule will be applicable for adults. People with any per-existing conditions will be able to enroll in special insurance pools and at the same time receive subsidized premiums.

These are some of the factors that can affect people with the new health insurance coverage bill.
