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Good News for Early Retirees

Now onwards, large employers will be able to provide health benefit to those who take early retirement and can not get Medicare facilities. The retirees age 55-64 will be offered resources to businesses through the the $5 billion early retirees reinsurance program.

As the news come, both the business persons and the retirees were excited. As a result, the business persons are seen eager to accept and continue to provide coverage their early retirees. About 76 percent of eligible companies have planned to apply to involve in the early retiree reinsurance program. According to Hewitt Associates, “...the program will reduce the cost of retiree coverage from 25 to 35 percent – anywhere from $2,000 to $3,000 per retiree, per year..”

This news is beneficial for the retirees and their former employers. Recently, as for the high cost of high health care, it is difficult to made the new rule activate to some extent. Statistics says that 66 percent of large firms offered health benefits in 1988 which reduced to 31 percent by 2008. And for the high cost, the employees also find it impossible to have health care coverage without employer-sponsored. The new health care law will assist the employees to maintain current coverage until 2014, when millions of Americans will have affordable coverage options through the new health insurance exchange.

Finally, it is seen that the new health care law is thus going to bring a tremendous change that sure will help the Americans regarding health insurance.
